What is the Palatine Public Library District Foundation?
The Palatine Public Library District Foundation was formed in 1993 as a group of community-minded citizens working to support the library by organizing events and projects to raise funds and advocate for the library. The Foundation is an IRS 501 (c) (3) charitable organization with all the funds dedicated to the library. The Foundation like the Friends of the Library, (a separate organization) is an affiliate of the library.
Why is the Foundation Needed?
The Palatine Public Library District as a tax supported institution faces significant challenges in raising the needed funds to supply an increasingly high demand for library services. Often tax revenues are insufficient to keep our books, CD's, DVD's, services, programs, and facilities up to the level required by our community. The Foundation raises money for projects that could not be funded out of tax dollars. By raising private dollars we are able to leverage and stretch our public dollars. Donors who have a strong belief that the Library changes lives can contribute to the library through the Foundation as a non-profit tax-exempt organization.
What Does the Foundation Do?
We have done many types of funding raising projects over the years. These include:
- Applying for local, regional, and national grants for which public libraries are not eligible
- We seek partnerships and sponsors for programs, library materials, facility upgrades and other tangible items. Many local businesses provide funds through the Foundation for projects identified by the Library Board.
- We support planned giving opportunities and deferred giving programs.
- We conduct activities in conjunction with groups such as the Chamber of Commerce or Jaycees to host networking nights and other events.
- We participate in a variety of community festivals and events in order to provide visibility and advocacy for the library.